Diversity and inclusion policy

Diversity and inclusion policy

Energy Assets is made up of brilliant people. Each of us is unique, whether in terms of our background, personal characteristics, experience, skills or motivations. And we value our people for the differences they bring to the table. We believe these differences – this diversity – is powerful.

This policy helps to foster an inclusive culture so that each of us benefit from a wide range of different perspectives, experiences and skills. We believe this creates a happier, more productive working environment for all.

Our diversity & inclusion commitment

We’re committed to:

  • promoting a working environment based on dignity, trust and respect – one that’s free from discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation
  • ensuring our recruitment, promotion and retention procedures don’t treat anyone less favourably in any way.
Cultivating an inclusive culture

We expect every one of our people to take personal responsibility for observing, upholding, promoting and applying our policy. Our culture is made in the day-to-day working interactions between us, so creating the right environment is a responsibility we all share.

We expect our people to treat colleagues and third parties fairly and with dignity, trust and respect. Sometimes, this may mean allowing for different views and making space for others to contribute.

Any dealings between colleagues or with third parties must be free from any form of discrimination, harassment, victimisation or bullying as defined below.

If any of our people are found to have committed, authorised or condoned an act of discrimination, harassment, victimisation or bullying, we’ll take action against them.

Discrimination definition

Any dealings between colleagues or with third parties must be free from any form of discrimination. The Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination because of the following protected characteristics:

  • disability
  • sex
  • gender reassignment
  • marital or civil partnership status
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • age
  • pregnancy or maternity.

There are also two specific types of discrimination that apply only to disability: “discrimination arising from disability” and “failing to make reasonable adjustments”.

We understand discrimination can be intentional or unintentional and may occur directly, indirectly, by association, or by perception. We also appreciate it’s not always obvious and can be subtle and unconscious – stemming from a person’s general assumptions about the abilities, interests and characteristics of a particular group that influences how they treat those people (“unconscious bias”). Such assumptions or prejudices may cause them to apply requirements or conditions that put those in particular groups at a disadvantage.

Harassment and sexual harassment definition

We understand harassment to be unwanted conduct related to a protected characteristic that has the purpose or effect of:

  • violating someone else’s dignity
  • creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for someone else.

We regard sexual harassment to be:

  • conduct of a sexual nature that has the purpose or effect of violating someone’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment
  • less favourable treatment related to sex or gender reassignment that occurs because of a rejection of, or submission to, sexual conduct.
Victimisation definition

We define victimisation as treating another person detrimentally either because that person has made a complaint of discrimination or harassment, or because they’ve supported someone else who has made such a complaint, for example by giving a witness statement that supports the allegations.

Bullying definition

There’s no legal definition of bullying. However, we regard it as conduct that’s offensive, intimidating, malicious, insulting, or an abuse or misuse of power that has the effect of undermining, humiliating or injuring the recipient.

Bullying can be physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct. It’s not necessarily face to face and can be done by email, phone calls, online or on social media. Bullying may occur within or outside of work.

If the bullying relates to a person’s protected characteristic, it may also constitute harassment and, therefore, will be unlawful.

Recruitment, advertising and selection

Our recruitment process will be conducted in such a way as to result in the selection of the most suitable person for the job in terms of relevant experience, abilities and qualifications.

Advertisements will aim to positively encourage applications from all suitably qualified and experienced people. When advertising job vacancies, in order to attract applications from all sections of the community, we’ll, as far as reasonably practicable:

  • ensure adverts aren’t confined to those areas or publications which would exclude or disproportionately reduce the numbers of applicants with a particular protected characteristic
  • avoid setting any unnecessary provisions or criteria which would exclude a higher proportion of applicants with a particular protected characteristic
  • publish suitable vacancies internally in such a way that doesn’t restrict applications from colleagues with a particular protected characteristic.

Our selection process will be carried out consistently for all jobs at all levels. All applications will be processed in the same way. The colleagues responsible for short-listing, interviewing and selecting candidates will be clearly informed of the selection criteria and of the need for their consistent application. Person specifications and job descriptions will be limited to those requirements that are necessary for the effective performance of the job. Wherever possible, all applicants will be interviewed by at least two interviewers and all questions asked of the applicants will relate to the requirements of the job. The selection of new staff will be based on the job requirements and the individual’s suitability and ability to do, or to train for, the job in question.

With disabled job applicants, we’ll honour our duty to make reasonable adjustments to work provisions, criteria, practices or physical features of premises. We’ll also provide auxiliary aids or services in order to ensure that the disabled person isn’t placed at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with persons who aren’t disabled.

If it’s necessary to assess whether personal circumstances will affect the performance of the job (for example, if the job involves unsociable hours or extensive travel), this will be discussed objectively, without detailed questions based on assumptions about any of the protected characteristics.

Training and promotion

We’ll train all line managers to help them identify and deal effectively with discriminatory acts or practices and acts of harassment or bullying. Line managers will be responsible for ensuring they actively promote equal opportunity within their departments.

We’ll also provide training to all colleagues to help them understand their rights and responsibilities in relation to equal opportunities and dignity at work and what they can do to create a work environment that’s free from discrimination, bullying and harassment.

Where a promotional system is in operation, it won’t be discriminatory and will be checked from time to time to assess how it’s working in practice. When a group of workers who predominantly have a particular protected characteristic appear to be excluded from access to promotion, transfer and training and to other benefits, the promotional system will be reviewed to ensure there’s no unlawful discrimination.

Terms of employment, benefits, facilities and services

All terms of employment, benefits, facilities and service will be reviewed from time to time, in order to ensure there’s no unlawful direct or indirect discrimination because of one or more protected characteristic.

Equal pay

We’re committed to equal pay in employment. We believe our male and female employees should receive equal pay for like work, work rated as equivalent or work of equal value. To achieve this we’ll endeavour to maintain a pay system that’s transparent, free from bias and based on objective criteria.

Reporting complaints

All allegations of discrimination or harassment will be dealt with seriously, confidentially and speedily. We won’t ignore or treat lightly grievances or complaints of discrimination or harassment.

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